Meet the Artist

Welcome to Castle Studios. My name is Gary A. Carter, but many of my friends know me as “Castle”. I’m grateful you’re here and I really hope you enjoy the images I’m presenting here. Perhaps it is a little pretentious to refer to myself as an artist, but photography is an art based on science, and I take great pride in making sure my work looks good, which is a benefit to both of us.
Whether you’re here to potentially hire me to work for you, or you’re here to look at my nature images let me help you get to know me. Some fun facts about me include the fact that I know how to play the bagpipes, and I enjoy Scottish Drum Majoring. Drum Majoring is leading the bagpipe band for you non-Scottish types. Yes I own several kilts and if anyone asks, you wear shoes and socks under the kilt. I’m just as happy to watch some sports as I am to talk about fantasy/ sci-fi books and pen an paper roleplaying games. I’ve also worked as a Crime Scene photographer, capturing scenes of the ugly side of humanity, which makes capturing happy moments and beautiful scenes all the more rewarding.
In a field where photographers are a dime a dozen, the questions arises as to why you should hire me. I want to make sure that all my clients have a great experience. I love people and I love working with people. Having photos taken regardless of the occasion should be a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. If I don’t connect with my clients and they don’t have a great experience then I’ve failed. Excellent photos and a great experience are my two defining goals.
I’ve been a photographer for several years, and have entered contests and won awards with some of my Nature Gallery Pieces. Despite my accomplishments I feel there is always room for improvement and I continually try to perfect my techniques and improve my work.
I started several years ago as a Nature and Wildlife photographer. I have an eye for what is beautiful and I’ve spent countless hours in the field honing my craft and collecting images. I’ve spent weeks on the road collecting the images in my Nature Galleries. It’s rewarding to capture beautiful scenes, and exceptionally challenging but even more rewarding capturing great wildlife shots.
I see the world a a vibrant, colorful, beautiful place, and I believe my Nature Gallery images reflect the world through my eyes.
It also brings me great satisfaction and joy to capturing your special moments and to share those moments with you.
Whether you’re here to look at my art galleries or looking for a photographer I’m glad you’re here and I hope you enjoy what you see. If you’re looking for a photographer I look forward to working with you.